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Four simple heating saving tips


No one knows the Danish winter

But in these times, many of us are hoping that it will be a mild one so that we can save on heating our homes.

At CEJ Property Management, we would like to help our residents and tenants get through the winter a little cheaper with a few simple saving tips.

The advice is quite easy to follow and does not require a renovation of the property or the like. It only requires your attention to how the apartment is used. In this way, you can achieve significant savings.

CEJ’s four simple heating saving tips

  1. Keep a temperature of 19-20 degrees in the apartment.

  2. Be careful not to lower the temperature too much. The recommendation is that you do not have a lower temperature in the apartment than 17 degrees. If the temperature falls below 17 degrees, the risk of mold on walls and windows, etc. increases.

  3. Check your radiator. If the couch is placed in front of the radiator, or covered in a blanket, you reduce the radiator’s effect. Therefore, keep a good distance from radiators so that heat can circulate freely in the room.

  4. Use your curtains. They insulate too cold air and drafts from windows.

In addition, remember that the old well-known saving tips still work, so save on the long baths and turn off the lights when you leave a room.

Here you will find a poster with CEJ’s saving tips for hanging in the property’s stairwells.

Please note!

Calls to our main number (tel. +45 33 33 82 82) will not be answered on December 23rd and will only be answered between 10 am and 12 pm on December 27th and 30th.

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