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CEJ får nyt look og website

A new expression


From today, CEJ’s website looks very different. We have chosen to give the website the big overhaul, to make it clear what we stand for and what you as a current and future customer can expect in a collaboration with CEJ.

Culture in focus

Where most websites most of all talk about their products, we have chosen to put extra focus on our existing and future employees. The special CEJ culture, the high quality and stable employees have been a strong contributor to our constant growth. Both within associations and professional investors.

It must be heard from customers

On the new website, we have also chosen to have a number of small videos where our customers get speaking time. After all, they are the ones who know best what you get in a collaboration with CEJ. And that, we think, is the best thing we can do to support new customers in their decision-making process.

Please note!

Calls to our main number (tel. +45 33 33 82 82) will not be answered on December 23rd and will only be answered between 10 am and 12 pm on December 27th and 30th.

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